St Mary's Primary School & Nursery Unit, Portglenone
St Marys PS Mosaic


Bea from Sentinus visited our little engineers in Primary 1 and 2 on Thursday. The children had the chance to use their construction skills and different materials to build houses for the three little pigs. The boys and girls really enjoyed it, and Bea was very impressed! Well done!...

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Congratulations to our Nursery children who graduated this morning. They sang and performed beautifully and we are all so proud of them. Thank you to all the parents who came to support them and make their day special and a special thanks to the wonderful Nursery staff who prepared the children so well....

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The success continued on Thursday at the Large Schools’ League held at All Saints GAC in Ballymena. This time the primary 6 boys had the chance to show their credentials by playing their part in the success. The two St Mary’s teams, made up of both primary 7 and 6 boys, played one half of each game with the aggregate score counted as the result. The boys beat a very good St Patri...

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 On Wednesday 5th June, the boys' football team and the girls' camogie team headed off to St Louis Grammar to compete in the Antrim All County Finals. Congratulations to the girls who competed bravely in their two matches against very strong St John the Baptist PS and Glenann PS teams. The standard of camogie was outstanding, and the games could have gone either wa...

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Thank you to all the parents and family members who came to our Sports Days. Your support for the children really helps to make the experience special and memorable. It is wonderful that all of the children got involved and had a chance to participate and experience competition and go home with a medal. A special thank you must go to Fullan's Eurospar for their very kind donation of fru...

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NSPCC Mad Hair Day!

31 May 2024

Thank you to all parents who made donations. We are now able to make a donation of £435.00 to NSPCC to help with their valuable work....

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On Wednesday 1st May, eight of our Primary 7 pupils went to St Bridget's Primary School in Ballymena to compete in the Cumann na mBunscol quiz. They were very tough questions about Ireland’s history and some general knowledge questions. To choose the team, we had to answer questions in school and we were ranked on our scores. The teams were Conor, Ruairi, Conan and Sarah. The other team wa...

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Huge congratulations to our Primary 7 boys who play football and went to Creggan to represent St Mary’s in the Mini’s 7 a side football tournament. Quite a few teams they played were tough but they fought until the very end. Their toughest game was against St Comgall’s in Antrim. They played them in the cup semi-final and at half time they were getting beat by three points. It w...

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Come Holy Spirit

17 Apr 2024

Congratulations to all of the Primary Seven pupils from St Mary's P.S. and St Paul's P.S. in Ahoghill who were confirmed on Wednesday 17th April in St. Mary's Portglenone. The singing was absolutely beautiful with a big thanks to Mrs Brookman who worked with the children in the run up to the ceremony....

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Let’s give a very warm welcome to our fantastic new principal, Mr Mullan! We’ve had a fabulous week so far with him! We’re looking forward to the amazing things that he will do for our school in the upcoming years.    From the pupils at St Mary’s PS. :)   ...

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