St Mary's Primary School & Nursery Unit, Portglenone
St Marys PS Mosaic

News 2015

As a whole school we gathered together to celebrate the National Day of Prayer for Children. Following the commandment Jesus gave us 'To love one another as He loves us' we prayed for the children throughout the world that they may share love and friendship and live in the peace of God's love. Our Year 7 pupils also joined with other Year 7 classes from throughout the Dioc...

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Today everyone came to school dressed up in Hallow'een costumes. The PTA organised a disco and all our scary pupils danced until home time. Many thanks to Andrew who provided the music and lights. Mrs Milner even joined in the fun by dressing up too! ...

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Today our Year 6 pupils had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Salmon Hatchery in Bushmills with their peers from Portglenone P.S. Not only were they able to feed the young alevins but were able to see and learn about the salmon at each stage of their life cycle. Thank you to Mark Patterson, Angling Consultant, for organising this brilliant learning opportunity....

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Netball Match

18 May 2015

We were very excited to once again play netball against Portglenone Primary School. It was a very evenly matched game with both sides scoring numerous goals. Well done to all our Primary 7 and Primary 6 pupils who were chosen to represent St Mary's. We look forward to more matches with Portglenone PS in the future. ...

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On 30th April 2015 our school hosted the County Antrim final of the Eason National Spelling Bee Competition. Marie Kearney from P7 represented our school after winning our own in school spelling bee.  It was very exciting and Marie made it through to the final 3, having narrowly lost out on 1st place. Congratulations to Marie!...

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Through drama and music our Year 4 pupils retold the Easter Story at their assembly on Friday....

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Trocaire Bun Sale

28 Mar 2015

Our Key Stage pupils have been holding Bun Sales this term to raise money for Trocaire. It was the turn of Year 6 this week and they are so pleased to announce they raised £87.19. ...

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Today we held our very popular annual Poetry Festival. Congratulations to all those pupils who participated from Year 1 to Year 7 and congratulations to our winners. Our judges, from St Mary's University Belfast, had a very difficult task choosing first and second place. Check out our Gallery to view all the photographs from the Festival....

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Our Year 7 and Year 6 boys had a great day representing the school at the INTO 7 a-side Football Blitz on Thursday 5th March at Creggan Antrim....

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Salmon Release Scheme

18 Mar 2015

Our Year 6 pupils have been enthusiastically participating in the Salmon Release Scheme, sponsored by the Irish Society. Over the past six weeks the pupils have been so lucky to have witnessed salmon eggs hatching within the special tank in the classroom. The pupils were then responsible for the  care of the alevins (newly hatched salmon). This morning we accompanied pupils from Portglen...

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