St Mary's Primary School & Nursery Unit, Portglenone
St Marys PS Mosaic


Gaelfast Award

15 Dec 2019

Starting last May we had Paul Law come in to coach the children in foundation stage and key stage 1 in Gaelic fundamentals. Paul then trained all the staff  so they could deliver the Gaelfast programme throughout the PE games curriculum.  Paul’s lessons were fantastic and he is continuing to support us in achieving our 5 star GAA affiliation status. We are hoping we can get the f...

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Problem-solving Week

13 Dec 2019

This year the whole school has decided to set aside a week each month to become ‘Problem Solving Week’. During this time we get to use lots of fun, practical materials to help us with our mental maths and problem solving. P2 have had so much fun with our Izak 9 resources. Firstly, Mrs McGurk told us to make a 1-9 wall.  The 1 had to be in the top left corner and the 9 had t...

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Ralph the Reindeer

12 Dec 2019

On Wednesday 11th December P1 and P2 took to the spotlight with Ralph the Reindeer. Since Rudolph was sick, Ralph the reindeer came to save the day! But there was one slight problem, Ralph couldn’t FLY! So after a wonderful song,  Ralph learns the  trick of how to fly, instead of counting to number 3, start at number 10 and count backwards! So in the end Ralph and Rudolph lead Sa...

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Bethlehem the Musical

11 Dec 2019

On Wednesday 11th December we performed our Christmas show for our mums and dads and family.  We had been rehearsing for weeks and we had put a lot of hard work in to the show.  Our show was called ‘Bethlehem the Musical’ and it told the story of how baby Jesus was born.  I (Aoife) was Ben the Musician and I entertained everybody on their way to Bethlehem with lots of ...

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Today the Dairy council visited us and P6. Their names were Luke and Majella. At the start they gave us stickers which said cheese, milk or yoghurt, I got cheese. They told us about how we can stay fit and eat lots of food. They showed us names of the five food categories. They also showed us this song that was a rap. Two teams had a rap-off and tied 2-2. They then showed us a song with the word...

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We once again took part in the annual Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal. It is a brilliant appeal to help those children in different parts of the world who are not as fortunate as us. A lady came to assembly and told us all about it and how we can help make a difference this Christmas.   You choose a girl or a boy and pick what age you want to buy for. So you find a shoebox in your...

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Ice Hockey Outing

2 Dec 2019

On 29th November our school went to an ice hockey match in the SSE arena.  We brought our own snacks and drinks. We took coaches to get there. We were supporting the University of New Hampshire also known as the Wild Cats, they were playing against the Huskies. In the first part of the match it was very tight. Unfortunately, in the second part of the match the Huskies scored two goals. ...

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Radio Cracker

2 Dec 2019

On Monday the 2nd December we went to Ballymena to sing on Radio Cracker.  Mrs Milner and our choir teacher Mrs Brookman were there to support us. We travelled on a bus with the P2 class from Portglenone Primary as they were invited along as well.  We had been practising for a long time and we were really looking forward to the event.  When we arrived at the Tower Centre we went s...

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The Christmas fayre

29 Nov 2019

On the 27th of November there was a Christmas fair. The           fayre was in the Wild Duck.  The fayre was lots of fun. There were a lot stalls where you could get your nails done, face painted, lots of sweets or lots of other Christmas stuff. Our school organised a tombola, in the tombola you pay a pound for three attempts to draw a numbe...

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Ice Hockey 2019

29 Nov 2019

On Friday 29th November P3,4,5,6&7 went to SSE Arena, Belfast to see an ice hockey match. At 1:30 everyone got on 3 different buses and went off to Belfast to see the WildCats vs Huskies. When we got to the SSE Arena we all got into our seats and the match started to the sound of music and cheering. We all had hope that the WildCats would win the match. But the WildCats lost because when we...

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