St Mary's Primary School & Nursery Unit, Portglenone
St Marys PS Mosaic



9 May 2019

Today, Thursday 9th of May, our P7 pupils were confirmed with the P7 pupils from St. Paul’s P.S. in St. Mary's Church, Ahoghill. It was a very special day and one we had all be looking forward to.  It was a day always to be remembered!      ...

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Congratulations to Molly Friel who represented our school at the Eason Spelling Bee Finals in Templepatrick P S. Molly did amazingly well but lost out to the  Holy Cross P.S. champion. Molly was presented with a certificate by Rebecca McKinney from Cool FM....

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Green Flag Award

9 Apr 2019

Here at St. Mary’s, we take great pride in looking after our school, our community and our world. From nursery right up to P7 we are committed to caring for the environment and have Eco and Global Learning lessons embedded into our topics.  This year our Eco Committee and Gardening Club have been working especially hard as we were being inspected to see if we could retain our Green ...

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First Confession

2 Apr 2019

Congratulaions to our P3 pupils who made their First Confession last night....

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Netball Success

22 Mar 2019

This year we have had an excellent netball team, playing and winning all seven matches in their league. Their success culminated in winning the Seven Towers Leisure Centre Netball Tournament on 22nd March this term. Congratulations to all concerned and keep playing! ...

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Today the senior members of the Eco committee went on a Litter Pick in Portglenone. There wasn’t much litter as Portglenone's very own street cleaner does a really great job keeping Pportglenone. However, we realised at the park there was a lot more litter than anywhere else. We did the litter pick because we wanted to reduce the litter in our community. Then we went back to scho...

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Pyjama Day

8 Mar 2019

This Lent, like every other year, we have been aiming to raise as much money as possible for Trocaire. On Friday 8th March Primary 2 organised a pyjama day for the rest of the school.  We designed posters to put up around the school to remind people when they needed to dress up and to bring in their donation of £1. We had a lovely relaxing day in our pyjamas and we all looked so cute ...

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Congratulations to our school football team who won the All County Championship in the Antrim Forum today. This year the team has been coached by Ryan Convery and we would like to thank him for his dedication and commitment to our school....

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14 Feb 2019

Last night our Key Stage 2 pupils put on an amazing performance of 'Olivia' for their families and friends. Weeks of rehearsals, learning lines, songs and dance routines came together as everyone acted their socks off! We had a fantastic night. Check out the photo gallery for more photos of the evening. ...

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Congratulations to our 3 Quiz teams who took part in the Credit Union Quiz this week in Portglenone Community Centre. Both P7 teams were runners up and our P6 team came very close to being placed. Keep up the great work!...

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